To help people develop the tools to break the cycle of poverty
M-POWER Ministries is a faith-based non-profit formed in 1997 through a coalition of volunteers, donors, and churches to provide services to individuals and families in need. Over time, the organization has turned its focus to addressing poverty through education and health services.
What M-POWER is Fighting
1 in 4 adults in Alabama read below a 5th-grade level
12% of adults in Jefferson County never graduated high school
70% of those with the lowest literacy skills have no job or a part-time job
Current cost to take the GED is $120
60,000 adults in Jefferson County are without health insurance, even more lack adequate access to care
Chronic diseases like diabetes account for 75% of annual health costs despite being the most preventable health problems
Alabama currently ranks 47th of the 50 states when it comes to overall health
Sources: The Literacy Council of Central Alabama, National Center for Education Statistics, GED Testing Service, United Health Foundation: America’s Health Rankings 2016 Annual Report